Welcome to Our Market!
SUMMER HOURS: June 1st – August 31st ONLY
9am to 2pm.
September through June regular hours
10am to 3pm.
Serving the community and supporting small businesses since 2010!
Here at our outdoor market our mission is to help promote and support small local farms and businesses. We feel by doing this we are supporting our community by offering these businesses a place to sell their products or services. Which in return gives them more income to put back into our community.
Our vendors are hard working, talented, creative individuals. Some have full time jobs and do this on the weekend, some are retired and supplementing their incomes, some work all week to have stock for the market and make enough to support them.
Whatever the case may be, without the vendors, there is no market. We hope the customers and community value them as much as we do!
We are located at:
3021 Commercial Way
Spring Hill, FL. 34606
(Next to Chili’s)
Call Tammy or Desiree’
Would you like to join our market? Click the button on the right to apply.

We are Pet Friendly!
Everyone is welcome at our market!

Meet some of the Vendors
Nature Coast Fl. Seafood
Local Raw Honey
Humane Society
Everlast Orchids
The Plant Peddler
Rocks, Fossils, Coral
Tanglewood Acres Farm
Fur Real organic Dog treats
Bills Family Bakery
Shelikes It by Dsign
Nature Coast Design
Amish Country Foods
Hummingbird Breadhouse
Indoor/Outdoor Plants
Anello Silverware Jewelry
Hand Painted Bottles/Glasses
Peggys Designs
PJ’s Organics Body Scrub
Those Were the Days
Super Clean Air Filters
Custom Dog Tags
The Plant Peddler
Hot sauce and salsa
Elsa’s Special Treats
And Many More!